
Hello there!

How are you guys?  Life has picked up the pace around here recently.  And since this pregnancy has now hit the 34 weeks mark I feel like I should start preparing for labour and life post-birth.  It’s going to be crazy around here for a while.  Thus my aim for the blog is to post once a week for the foreseeable future.  This may well change once the baby arrives.

I’ve been rubbish at taking photos recently, mostly because our meals have been repetitive and straight-forward.  There are 3 meals in particular that seem to be on rotation (apart from variants of pasta with marinara).

1. Jacket potato with different accompaniments.  So quick and easy.


2. Dreena Burton’s Chickpea Ratatouille (as previously mentioned)


3. Elise’s Tempeh, Corn & Rice.  Love how quick and easy this is (which is the current prerequisite for all our meals around here).  Shame Tom isn’t a big tempeh fan.

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I’m going to try to cook a couple of golden oldies this weekend; I may even try out a new recipe since I’ve been craving baked goods like nobody’s business.  Speaking of cravings, I can’t seem to shake the cheese and dairy milk chocolate cravings I’ve been having all week.  Not good for this vegan gal.  I’ve been trying to find vegan alternatives but they end up being inadequate.  However, I do think the cravings are because I’m tired and want junk food.  Thus, my baking and making some of the more indulgent vegan meals should sort this out.  No fear.  All I need is time and energy…. Easy, right?