Family Time

Hello to a new week!

As I mentioned in my last post, last week Tom was on holiday so there was been two of us around to entertain Theo.  The week flew by!  It was a mix of practical things and fun activities.  Monday we were on our way back from Wales, Tuesday we gave our garden a makeover.  On Wednesday we had my nuchal scan at the hospital.  It took forever!  We were there for most of the morning as the baby wasn’t in the right position for all the measurements.  We gave up in the end as Theo was desperate for lunch and a nap.  Wed afternoon we went food shopping.  Not much I can say about that really.  Thursday morning Tom took Theo to a massive Soft Play centre by us, which Theo loves.  Meanwhile I did boring errands at home.  I’ve gotten way behind on housework and other errands since being pregnant.  The nausea was easing but this week its become worse again, as has the bloating.  But not as bad as the bank weekend when I ate dairy and meat, so that’s something.  I’m wondering if I need to be more mindful of my FODMAP triggers again.  I’ve been eating more wheat, for example, as I’ve gone back to making my own bread.  We’d been having shop bread, which I don’t like, so I’ve been largely bread free for the last couple of months.

Thursday afternoon I took Theo to get his feet measured again and bought him a new pair of shoes and wellies.  So cute.  His feet are huge!

Theo's new shoes

This was the best picture I could get as he never keeps still for long enough.

Friday morning we had a play date with two of my good friends and their boys.  We took them to a kid’s cafe where there’s a big fenced play area, with tables and chairs just outside the fence so you can keep an eye on the children whilst chilling with a drink.  I found out that one of my friends is about 8 weeks pregnant too, yay!  I love sharing the pregnancy journey with someone else who’s at a similar point.  Friday afternoon I had to pop into work to drop off my time sheet (for the short shift I did a few weeks ago) and buy a wedding gift in the nearby shopping centre.

Which brings us to the weekend.  Toddler time for Dads whilst mummy indulges in her favourite health food shop.  I’ll show you my finds in my next post.  And a short shift on my ward on Sunday.

Incidentally, food this week has been rather carb heavy (I just can’t resist homemade bread with marmalade).  Here are the meals I remembered to photograph.

Tuesday night Tom wanted to get Thai takeaway as a post garden-workout reward.  Since I wasn’t in the mood for Thai I made myself a salad with loads of veg, pickled onions, hummus and tempeh.  I was in the mood for a side of veggie spring rolls, however.  I get these every time we order; I think they’re the best I’ve tasted.

Wed night I roasted a bunch of veg and potatoes, which Tom had with fish and I had on top of salad and tempeh.


Thurs night was fajitas night made with roasted veg, instead of kale, and baked beans.  No pic, sorry.

a lunch

This is the only lunch time salad I had all week; sad times.  It was with a very average veggie quarterpounder.  Not a fan, and I’ve got another 3 in the freezer to get through.




Friday night I made a batch of bolognese sauce for Tom and Theo.  Not wanting to partake in the meat, I made myself this simple dish of brown rice, peas, and veggie sausages.

I’ll leave it at that for today.  The weather remains miserable, and I remain tired.  One week left of first trimester, woo woo!  I hope I start to feel more human then… Oh, and a belated happy mother’s day to those who celebrated it yesterday! 🙂


Sun-dried tomato dip recipe

A recipe, finally!

On Monday, before heading to work, I made a low FODMAP dip/sauce/dressing that I highly recommend.  It’s slightly adapted from a recipe on Kristen’s Raw blog.

Sun-dried Tomato Dip

1 cup drained sun-dried tomatoes (they must be the ones soaked and jarred in oil- essential for the flavour without the FODMAPs)
1/2 packed cup fresh basil
1/4 cup cashews
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsps fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil and water (half and half)

Chuck the first 5 ingredients into a food processor and process into relatively smooth.  Then, whilst the machine is running, pour in the water/oil combo until it reaches your desired consistency (obviously add more water and/or oil if needed).

Easy peasy.  I’ve been enjoying this as a kind-of salad dressing, dip, sauce.

It’s uses are endless.  Enjoy xxx